The fire pit is the centerpiece of a campsite. Its where everyone gathers to stay warm and make food and relax. No campsite is really complete without it.

Fires are easy to make and control, especially if you have the right equipment on hand.

There are plenty of  methods to get your fire going, some are easy while others take less gear and provide a greater sense of accomplishment.

We’re going to focus mainly on the simpler methods utilizing some modern equipment


This is great if you’re grilling and have some extra coals available. Light a pile of coals up in the fireplace and start putting logs on top once they get hot. The logs will catch fire in no time. It’s literally that easy.

Lighter Fluid and Matches

This works really well in almost any situation, be sure to not put too much lighter fluid in one spot and to step back when dropping a match in. If using a lighter, Its recommended to catch a leaf or small stick on fire then to drop that on the lighter fluid so you don’t catch a face full of flame

Just Matches

To start with this method you’ll want to create a pile of tinder, usually wood shavings (dryer lint also works really well) and light it on fire with the matches. Feed the flame some some kindling which is usually small sticks or tree bark bark.

Be sure to lightly blow on the flame to provide more oxygen fuel. Slowly add in leaves and sticks until the flame is burning wood.

Progressively add larger logs until the fire is self sustained.

***Tip: Be sure to leave plenty of open space around the fire and to not smother is when first catching on.

Flint and steel

These tools are always handy to have on an adventure in case you run out of matches or they get wet. It’s the same principal of collecting tinder and kindling only this time instead of using matches to light the tinder, you strike the flint stick with the steel key to create a spark.

Don’t go easy, hit the flint hard and fast for better sparks which you’ll aim at the tinder. Once a spark catches, blow lightly to spread the flame then add in your kindling and grow that baby.